When the Mandalorian debuted, Disney+ shows dropped on Friday, but then eventually moved to Wednesday. Now, with She-Hulk and Andor dropping around the same time this fall, there was going to be some crossover, but with his move each of the shows gets its own specific day. Obi-Wan and Ms. Marvel had some crossover during their first seasons, so this could be something Disney does going forward.
She-Hulk will now premiere on Thursday, August 18, and will consist of nine episodes, concluding on October 13. Andor will keep the Wednesday slot. Its three-episode premiere will drop on Disney+ on September 21, while the rest of the episodes will release weekly until November 23.
Andor begins five years before the events of Rogue One with the series following a group during the time that a Rebel Alliance is forming in opposition to the Galactic Empire. The first trailer dropped earlier this week and it was full of Star Wars cameos that will eventually build to the events of Rogue One, where Andor was originally introduced.
She-Hulk is about Bruce Banner’s cousin who accidentally finds herself as a superhero also trying to balance her career as a lawyer. The latest trailer showed a ton of D-list villains and even the potential for a Daredevil crossover.
Andor is also the biggest first season of any Disney+ show thus far, with a second season with the same number of 12 episodes already ordered. Come from Sports betting site VPbet